We are particularly grateful to Monty Brigham, The Macaulay Library of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (http://macaulaylibrary.org/index.do), Lang Elliott (http://www.naturesound.com/corepage/core.html), John Neville (http://www.nevillerecording.com), and Kevin Colver (http://7loons.com/Soundscapes_for_Birders/Welcome.html) who provided us the bulk of the recordings that allowed us to develop the first version of Dendroica for Canada and the USA, while Fernando González-Garcia (http://www1.inecol.edu.mx/sonidos/menu.htm) and Antonio Celis-Murillo (http://www.birdsofmexico.com/) provided the initial set of recordings for Mexico. Since then, many other people have contributed.
The following people or organizations provided 1 or more sound recordings, as credited on the individual sound tracks:
Christine Adkins, Peter Amathy, Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics, Monty Brigham, Gerhard Bruins, Antonio Celis-Murillo, Kevin Colver, Chris Daboll, Jean Dubois, Carol Edwards, Lang Elliott, Simon Elliott, Bill Evans, Charles Francis, Richard Fyfe, Sandra Gallo-Corona, Fernando González-García, Erick González-Medina, Jon Greenlaw, Manuel Grosselet, Ian Huggett, Fran Kerbs, Don Kerr, Don Lafontaine, Macaulay Library, Stewart MacDonald, Bruce MacGillivray, Ted Mack, Chris Michener, Ted Miller, John Neville, Henri Ouellet, Daniel Parker, T Price, Andrea Priori, Stephen Ramirez, Ann Richardson, Andrew Stewart, Catherine Thexton, Peter Thomas, Terry Thormin, Fernando Urbina
Sound editing and selection for the original software Nuthatch was co-ordinated by Charles M. Francis with help from John Haselmayer, Andrew Keaveney, Bev McBride, Michael Nelson, Peter McLaren and Don Kerr. Editing and selection of additional recordings for Dendroica 1.0, 2.0 and 2010 was done by Margaret Campbell.
Song descriptions were prepared by Margaret Campbell, John Haselmayer, Margaret McLaren, Don Sutherland and Mike Cadman.
French translations of song descriptions for Dendroica 1.0 and 2.0 were provided by Nadine Cardinal and Jocelyne Lefaivre with additional help and review by Michel H. Gendron, Denis Lepage and others. Additional French translations of song descriptions for Dendroica 2010, were provided by Hugues Brunoni, Normand David, Jean-Sébastien Guénette and Isabelle Robichaud.
Copyright © (dates vary) in all recordings rests with the recording artists or their agents as credited with each recording. No recordings may be reproduced or used in anyway outside of this program without the consent of the copyright owners.