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Cape May Warbler - Setophaga tigrina

Photo: Ann Cook; Adult; Male; Breeding;
Song: Primary song is a high-pitched, unemphatic "see-see-see-see" all on one pitch, consisting of about 4 - 7 notes, much slower than Bay-breasted Warbler (about 4 notes per second). Also sings a two-syllabled song, "see-pee, see-pee, see-pee, see-pee, see-pee" (about 4 '"see-pee" per second), easily confused with Bay-breasted Warbler but usually slower. Compare Bay-breasted, Black-and-White, and Blackburnian Warblers.
Sound: Chris Daboll (Bird Sounds of Canada); 1976 Jun 11; Canada, Ontario; Algonquin Park, Pog Lake; Adult; Primary Sound;


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