We have designed Piranga to house information on all Western Hemisphere birds, and expect its value to increase as more and more people contribute images and information.
Nevertheless, banders may also want to examine other resources that provide information on ageing and sexing birds. Differing layouts and perspectives may assist with learning, similar to the benefit derived from looking at multiple field guides when trying to identify a bird.
The following is a partial list of other online photographic resources that may help bird-banders learn to age and sex birds in the hand. If you are aware of others that may be helpful, please contact us and we will consider adding them to the list.
External links: Please note that the websites linked below are not under the control of the partners who created NatureInstruct and are provided solely for the convenience of users. The NatureInstruct partners are not responsible for the accuracy, currency, or reliability of the content of these websites.
Photographic Companion to the Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part 1 (North America, English only)
Species, age and sex identification of ducks using wing plumage (North America, English only)
University of Puget Sound’s Slater Bird Wing Collection (Western North America, English only)
Bluebonnet Bird Monitoring’s Wing Photo Library (Southeastern United States, English only)
Identification Atlas of Aragón’s Birds (Europe, English and Spanish)
Merseyside Ringing Group’s Bird in the Hand (United Kingdom, English only)