Cedar Waxwing has a partial preformative molt, but no prealternate molts. Some individuals with particularly few or many waxy tips on their secondaries can be aged easily, but many are intermediate in appearance may be impossible to age beyond M-FCF (U/AHY) except in summer and fall when skull ossification can be useful until around mid-October. Aside from juveniles, sex can generally be differentiated by plumage.
Species account prepared by McGill Bird Observatory (2018). Last updated by Marcel Gahbauer (Mar 2022)
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FCJ - (HY: June - November) | ||||||
Underparts grayish with heavy but indistinct streaking; chin whitish | ||||||
U |
FCF - (HY/SY: September - following December) | ||||||
Waxy tips often absent, but up to 3 (F) or 7 (M) possible; terminal band of tail typically very short to short (F) or short to moderate (M); black chin patch small (F) to large (M) | ||||||
M |
F |
DCB - (AHY/ASY: August - following December) | ||||||
Waxy tips present, typically on 1-7 (F) or 3-9 (M) secondaries; terminal band of tail typically moderate (F) to broad (M); black chin patch small (F) to large (M) | ||||||
M |
F |
FPJ - (HY: June - October) | |
Similar to FCJ; some natal down remaining and/or juvenile flight feathers still growing in | |
No images available yet | |
FPF - (HY: September - December) | |
Some body feathers being replaced; occasionally also some lesser and median coverts | |
No images available yet | |
SPB - (SY: August - December) | |
Flight feathers being replaced, with retained juvenile primaries, secondaries, and/or primary coverts distinctly pale and worn | |
No images available yet | |
DPB - (AHY: August - December) | |
Flight feathers being replaced, with retained primaries, secondaries, and/or primary coverts either distinctly adult (relatively dark, less worn) or intermediate | |
No images available yet |
Molt classes | Age | Months | Key traits |
M-FPF / UPU (FPF, SPB, DPB) | U | September - December | Undergoing preformative or prebasic molt, but cycle is not reliably distinguishable |
M-FCF / UCU (FCF, SCB, DCB) | U/AHY | January - December | In formative or basic plumage (molt completed), but cycle is not reliably distinguishable |