Side by side compare - Yellow Warbler
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Yellow Warbler
Image category:
| Supplemental
| Contributed
Select Bird Record:
ASY/DCA-M May 29 1840-76953
ASY/DCA-M May 3 2840-50011
ASY/DCA-F May 27 1840-76931
ASY/DCA-F May 17 NA_444
SY/FCA-M May 14 2460-40503
SY/FCA-M May 21 2460-40492
SY/FCA-M May 26 NA_334
SY/FCA-M May 16 NA_445
SY-M May 31 2930-14774
AHY/DCB-F Aug 5 2490-24831
HY/FCF-F Aug 8 2500-65528
HY/FCF-F Aug 30 2400-08318
HY-U Jul 26 2960-10742
J/FPJ-U Jun 16 NA_1591
Yellow Warbler
SY/FCA-M May 14 2460-40503
Age: Second_year
Molt class: FCA- First Alternate Plumage
Sex: Male
Contributor: Marie-Anne Hudson
Date: 2006 May 14
Location: Canada, QC,McGill Bird Observatory
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Image #26; Side (Contributed)
File # 13769
Photographer: Marie-Anne Hudson
Contributor comments: [{nBandercommentID=2, fkBirdID=11, dtCreated=1299592113, dtModified=1299592113, chValue=Note dark side streaks - easy indication of ASY-M when this corresponds to the wing and tail criteria., fkUserID=2235, fkContributorID=496, bEnabled=1}]
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Image category:
| Supplemental
| Contributed
Select Bird Record:
-- Select bird --
ASY/DCA-M May 29 1840-76953
ASY/DCA-M May 3 2840-50011
ASY/DCA-F May 27 1840-76931
ASY/DCA-F May 17 NA_444
SY/FCA-M May 14 2460-40503
SY/FCA-M May 21 2460-40492
SY/FCA-M May 26 NA_334
SY/FCA-M May 16 NA_445
SY-M May 31 2930-14774
AHY/DCB-F Aug 5 2490-24831
HY/FCF-F Aug 8 2500-65528
HY/FCF-F Aug 30 2400-08318
HY-U Jul 26 2960-10742
J/FPJ-U Jun 16 NA_1591