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Side by side compare - White-throated Sparrow


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Species: White-throated Sparrow
Image category: Reference  | Supplemental  | Contributed  
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White-throated Sparrow

HY/FCF-U Oct 29 2691-01853
Age: Hatch_year Molt class: FCF- Formative Plumage
Sex: Unknown Contributor: Margaret Rohde
Date: 2014 Oct 29 Location: USA, PA,Powdermill Avian Research Center
Image #2092; Head (Contributed)
File # 123157
Photographer: Margaret Rohde

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Image category: Reference | Supplemental  | Contributed  
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White-throated Sparrow

ASY/DCU-U May 3 2241-39630
Age: After_second_year Molt class: DCU- Definitive Unknown Molt
Sex: Unknown Contributor: Marcel Gahbauer
Date: 2006 May 3 Location: Canada, QC,McGill Bird Observatory
Image #2000; Tail_above (Reference)
File # 123049
Photographer: Marcel Gahbauer

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