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Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Pheucticus ludovicianus

Rose-breasted Grosbeak has a partial preformative molt, and a prealternate molt that is partial to incomplete in the first cycle (FCA/SY) but only absent-limited in subsequent cycles (DCU/ASY). Plumage can be used to distinguish sexes at all ages. Although males are generally easy to age based on plumage, females can be quite tricky, and even with a good view of the wing and tail, some may be reliably aged only by skull in fall, and should be considered M-FCA (AHY) in spring and summer.

Conseils clés

  • Consider overall plumage - any individuals with black feathers are males, although those lacking black are not necessarily female, as males also lack black until they reach FCA (SY).
  • Check the underwing coverts - they are pinkish on males, and yellowish-orange on females.
  • Look for molt limits among the greater coverts or between the median and greater coverts - FCF/FCA (HY/SY) birds often show a contrast between darker median coverts (and sometimes also inner greater coverts) and paler juvenile greater coverts, while on DCB/DCU (AHY/ASY) birds the coverts are uniform, but beware this contrast is much more subtle on females.
  • Examine the tail - the presence of any brown and narrow juvenile feathers indicates an FCF/FCA (HY/SY) bird, but uniformly broad rectrices can occur on both FCF/FCA (HY/SY) and DCB/DCU (AHY/ASY) birds.

Species account prepared by McGill Bird Observatory (2016). Last updated by Marcel Gahbauer (Mar 2022)

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Individus qui ne sont pas en mue

FCJ - (HY: juin - juillet)
Brownish above and pale with dark streaks below; cinnamon wing bars; underwing patch yellow (F) or with at least some pink (M)
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FCF - (HY: juillet - décembre; SY janvier - avril)
Brownish above and pale with dark streaks below; most to all rectrices relatively narrow and pointed; often a contrast between darker inner and paler outer greater coverts; underwing patch yellow to orange (F) or pink (M); no to little (F) or substantial (M) white patches on primaries
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FCA - (SY: mars - octobre)
Black (M) or dark brown (F) greater coverts contrasting sharply (M) or slightly (F) with dull brown primary coverts, primaries, and secondaries; at least some rectrices often narrow and pointed (but all may be freshly replaced, broad, and rounded); head and back brown (F) or mottled to solid black (M); no to little (F) or substantial (M) white patches on primaries
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DCB - (AHY: juillet - décembre; ASY janvier - avril)
Brownish above and pale with dark streaks below, with no to little white patches on primaries (F); mottled blackish above and white below with rose breast patch and large white patches on primaries (M); rectrices all broad and rounded
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DCU - (ASY: mars - octobre)
Wing black with large white patches (M) or uniformly brown with white patches small to absent (F); rectrices all broad and rounded
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Individus en mue active

FPJ - (HY: juin - juillet)
Similar to FCJ; some natal down remaining and/or juvenile flight feathers still growing in
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FPF - (HY: juillet - novembre)
Similar to FCF; some to all median coverts and occasionally a tertial and/or one or two central rectrices being replaced
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FPA - (HY: décembre - décembre; SY janvier - mai)
Body feathers, and often some greater coverts, tertials, and rectrices being replaced
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SPB - (SY: juillet - novembre)
Flight feathers being replaced, with retained juvenile primaries, secondaries, and/or primary coverts distinctly pale brown and quite worn
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DPB - (AHY: juillet - novembre)
Flight feathers being replaced, with retained primaries, secondaries, and/or primary coverts either distinctly adult (blackish - M / dark brown - F, and with only moderate wear) or intermediate
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DPA - (AHY: décembre - décembre; ASY janvier - mai)
Similar to DCB, with some body feathers being replaced
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Classes de plumage/âge inconnues pertinentes

Classes de plumage Âge Mois Caractéristiques principales
M-FPF / UPU (FPF, SPB, DPB) U juillet - novembre Undergoing preformative or prebasic molt, but cycle is not reliably distinguishable
M-FCF / UCU (FCF, SCB, DCB) U/AHY juillet - avril In formative or basic plumage (molt completed), but cycle is not reliably distinguishable
M-FPA / UPA (FPA, DPA) AHY décembre - mai Undergoing prealternate molt, but cycle is not reliably distinguishable
M-FCA / UCA (FCA, DCA) AHY mars - octobre In alternate plumage (molt completed), but cycle is not reliably distinguishable

Nombre d’espèces : 85

Sélectionner une espèce:

Fuligule à dos blanc
Tourterelle triste
Pic arlequin
Pic mineur
Moucherolle à ventre jaune
Moucherolle des aulnes
Moucherolle tchébec
Moucherolle phébi
Tyran huppé
Tyran tritri
Pie-grièche grise
Viréo à tête bleue
Viréo mélodieux
Viréo de Philadelphie
Viréo aux yeux rouges
Geai bleu
Mésange à tête noire
Mésange à tête brune
Sittelle à poitrine rousse
Sittelle à poitrine blanche
Roitelet à couronne dorée
Roitelet à couronne rubis
Merlebleu de l'Est
Grive fauve
Grive à joues grises
Grive de Bicknell
Grive à dos olive
Grive solitaire
Grive des bois
Merle d'Amérique
Moqueur chat
Moqueur roux
Jaseur d'Amérique
Plectrophane des neiges
Paruline couronnée
Paruline des ruisseaux
Paruline à ailes dorées
Paruline à ailes bleues
Paruline noir et blanc
Paruline obscure
Paruline verdâtre
Paruline à joues grises
Paruline triste
Paruline masquée
Paruline flamboyante
Paruline tigrée
Paruline à collier
Paruline à tête cendrée
Paruline à poitrine baie
Paruline à gorge orangée
Paruline jaune
Paruline à flancs marron
Paruline rayée
Paruline bleue
Paruline à couronne rousse
Paruline des pins
Paruline à croupion jaune
Paruline à gorge noire
Paruline du Canada
Paruline à calotte noire
Bruant hudsonien
Bruant familier
Bruant des plaines
Bruant des champs
Bruant des prés
Bruant fauve
Bruant chanteur
Bruant de Lincoln
Bruant des marais
Bruant à gorge blanche
Bruant à couronne blanche
Junco ardoisé
Piranga écarlate
Cardinal rouge
Cardinal à poitrine rose
Passerin indigo
Oriole de Baltimore
Durbec des sapins
Roselin familier
Roselin pourpré
Bec-croisé bifascié
Sizerin flammé
Sizerin blanchâtre
Tarin des pins
Chardonneret jaune