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Williamson's Sapsucker - Sphyrapicus thyroideus

Photo: Bob McKay; 2011 Jun 10; Canada, British Columbia; Rock Creek; Adult; Male;
Song: The contact call is the best distinguishing feature between Williamson's and other sapsuckers. Contact call is a clear "stronk" "queeah" or "wee-ah" less squeaky than other sapsuckers. Drumming has a distinctive decelerating tempo amongst sapsuckers beginning with rapid tapping slowing to loud single taps with long pauses between. Initial tapping tends to be faster than other sapsucker species; the pauses between taps at the end of the drumming sequence are longer than those of other sapsuckers.
Sound: John Neville (Bird Songs of the Okanagan); Adult; Primary Sound;


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Number of species: 439

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